

[Sanuki Udon Tour] Day 1

It was the film 'Udon' which hit me so badly, with a stupefying impulse - I SHOULD GO EAT UDON IN JAPAN.

So I went.

Sanuki is the ancient name of Kagawa-ken, in Shikoku, the smallest island of 4 main Japanese islands, southwest of Osaka, one of the biggest city in Japan.

From Seoul to Osaka, it takes about 1.5 hr, and 3.5 hr from Osaka to Takamatsu, the biggest city in Kagawa-ken (state), wherein 910 udonya situated.

When I arrived at Takamatsu Railway Station, it was already 9.30 pm, so after having put my luggage in hotel, I scorched the region to find a fine izakaya.

Round the Kawarabashi (2 stops away from the railway station), there was a red-light district and lots of kushiya (all sorts of fries, skewered with thin wood sticks).

Happily went to bed with a beer, expecting Udon bus next day 9 am.

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