

[Sanuki Udon Tour] Day 3 _ Yamauchi

Do you remember my posting on December 2 years ago, the inspiring source of my trip to Shikoku -- Udon the movie ?

One of the most impressive Udon-ya in that movie was Yamauchi.  Up in the mountain (not the Sanuki Fuji, which looks a lot like the Fuji mountain), there stands (or collapses) a shabby house with two-hundred-year-old-looking sign 'handmade Udon' in Japanese.  It is the symbol of the Udon lovers searching more thatn 900 Udon-yas round Kagawa-ken, a hidden gem.  Just like this picture here.

Surprisingly the inside was spacious (compared to the outside) and clean.

The chefs seem fairly much practiced, quick and exposed many times to camera.

In this authentic looking Udon-ya, there are 3 types of Udon.
1) Atsu-atsu (hot noodle in hot soup)
2) Hiya-atsu (cold noodle in hot soup)
3) Hiya-hiya (cold noodle in cold soup)

My choice was Hiya-atsu, and the noodle here was softer than other Udon-ya but not without the tautness and the soup was crystal clear.  Cool.

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